Make Use of the Tips to Carefully Do the First Bath of Your Child

Looking after a new born baby is a bit difficult process as they are very little and soft, who must be handled with great concern. When it comes to their first bath, it is a quite scary thing which must be done with intense care. There are several aspects that must be considered while giving baby its first bath. The concerned factors are, how to make a safe bath, how warm does the water must be and how long the bath must be performed, etc. One prime thing to be conscious about Baby’s First Bath is that, until the umbilical cord stump of the baby drops off, they shouldn’t be submerged in water.

Before providing your baby with the bath, it must be assured that everything is set ready and within the reach. Utilizing baby bath seat, bath support or sticking bath decals to the base of bath tub helps to protect your baby from getting slipped. Place the bath tub on the surface or on the floor so that it doesn’t get toppled or slipped. Fill the tub with lukewarm water of 1-2’’ and the level of warmth must be tested. If it is warmer than the body temperature, then it will be much hotter for baby, so it must be avoided. Keep your baby’s belly button from getting wet and keep it dry until the umbilical cord drop on its own. Hence use dry or washcloths to clean around the areas of belly button, nasal folds, outside of the ears and mouth before placing baby in the tub. With bathing done, make sure to dry baby’s folds especially at the areas of bottom and neck. Leave out your worries and make your child’s first bath safe.